About Our President

John W. McGee, International Insurance Specialist, is originally from Miami, Florida, where he began his career in the financial services industry as a Financial Planner with an American Express company called IDS. In the early 1990s, John and two partners created the Pan American Group. The focus was to represent several life insurance companies, particularly Mass Mutual, and introduce high-net-worth Latin American clients to their products.
After traveling all over Latin America and seeing the need for quality U.S. dollar life and medical insurance policies, in 1992, John decided to open J.W. McGee & Associates, which continues to do business as ExpatGlobalMedical.com, a company that really focuses on offering quality international medical insurance programs for expatriates, local nationals and multinational corporate executives.
John is an International Insurance specialist that doesn’t just offer products for sale. He prides himself on being a professional, offering and implementing quality, affordable, and customized strategies for the benefit of each client and servicing that client for years to come.
Through ExpatGlobalMedical.com, located in Advance, North Carolina, John is able to offer his expertise and service to his prospects and clients all over the globe!